Alaska 2009

The Burgoyne Sabbatical Times

Alaska 2009

  • 6/9/2009: Well, we are on our way.  It is Tuesday and we made it to north of Seattle.  It has been an eventful two days (nothing too bad) but I will leave that for our journals.  Regarding the site updates, we are planning to "officially" update our journals on the site about weekly, pending Internet connectivity.  (There could be some unofficial updating of the site more frequently.)  After the site is "officially" updated, we will send out email notices.  This hopefully keeps you from checking the site and not seeing any updates and wondering what is going on.  Our first official update will probably occur this weekend.  If you are not already on our email list (received an email from Becky or Tom last week) and want to be added to our email list to be notified of updates, check our "Contact Us" link above and send an email to Becky or Tom.  Thank you for your interest!  (BTW, it is not always easy to get on the Internet.  I am connecting to the Internet tonight via someone's open Wireless Linksys in the RV park.)

  • 6/14/2009: Finally got everything organized to post our first week's journal entries.  We are enjoying our sabbatical so far but it has been a busy week without much time to relax.  That should change this coming week and hopefully I will have more time to clean up the web site and possibly learn a few new tricks.

    The first week in a nutshell: we got up Monday morning, drove several days, ended up in Dawson Creek, BC on Saturday, and had several mishaps and adventures along the way!  For our mishaps (mostly) and adventures...

                  Tom's journal entry: The Trip to Dawson Creek, Days 1 - 6

                  Becky's journal entry: On The Road - June 8-13

  • 6/21/2009: We had a great but busy week.  We finally headed out on the Alaska Highway.  There were a lot of beautiful sites and we got some great pictures.

    Our journal entries this week are packed with pictures.        

                  Tom's journal: The Alaska Highway Part 1, Days 7 - 13

                  Becky's journal: On The Road - June 8-13

  • 6/28/2009: We arrived Saturday at Delta Junction, the official end of the Alaska Highway.  Traveling the Alaska Highway was fun, scenic, and adventuresome.  Now we are off to explore Alaska, the final frontier!

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: The Alaska Highway Part 2, Days 14 - 20

                  Becky's journal: On The Road - June 14-27

  • 7/3/2009: We spent two nights in Delta Junctions and then moved on to Fairbanks.  Tomorrow, we are headed for Denali for eight nights and may not have Internet access for a while so our next update will probably be a while.

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: Fairbanks, Days 21-26

                  Becky's journal: Fairbanks, June 28 - July 2

  • 7/13/2009: We spent eight nights in Denali, four of them at the North Face Lodge.  Very busy week.  With no electricity while we were dry camping, preparations of our journals was limited and delayed. 

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: Denali, Days 27-34

                  Becky's journal: Denali, July 4-11

  • 7/19/2009: We left Denali and headed to Anchorage with a night's stop at Talkeetna.  From Anchorage, we headed down to the Kenai Peninsula. 

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: Talkeetna, Anchorage, and Kenai, Days 35 - 40

                  Becky's journal: Anchorage - July 12-17

  • 7/26/2009: The Kenai Peninsula - Soldotna, Homer, and Seward. 

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: Soldotna, Homer, and Seward, Days 41 - 48

                  Becky's journal: Kenai Peninsula - July 18-25

  • 8/2/2009: We continued our exploration of Alaska.  We drove from Seward to Valdez and then went on to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park where we toured the Kennecott copper ore mill. 

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: Valdez and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Days 49 - 55

                  Becky's journal: Valdez and Kennecott - July 26-August 1

  • 8/9/2009: We headed out of Alaska and back to Canada via a very rough Top of the World Highway from Tok through Chicken and Dawson and then down to Whitehorse.  Chicken and Dawson were both great towns to explore. 

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: The Top of the World, Days 56 - 62

                  Becky's journal: Chicken, Dawson City, and Whitehorse - August 2-August 8

  • 8/16/2009: Back to Alaska!  From Whitehorse, we headed to Skagway at the coast and had a great time amongst all of the cruise ship tourists.

    Our journal entries this week:

                  Tom's journal: Return to Alaska, Skagway, Days 63 - 69

                  Becky's journal: Whitehorse and Skagway - August 9 -August 15  

  • 8/21/2009: For your information, we will not be posting our next and final journal update until the end of next week, around August 28 or 29. 

    We are still having a great time but we are leaving Prince George today and heading to Jasper.  On Saturday, we are going to Lake Louise in Banff National Park and on Monday we are headed to Waterton Lakes National Park for three nights.  While in the National Parks, I do not expect to have Internet access to post our journals. 

    Thank you everyone for keeping up with our trip.

  • 8/27/2009: Our final journal updates.  If you have come this far with us, thank you very much for your interest and support!!! 

    Our final journal updates are for August 16 through August 26. We are still on the road but the remaining six days are travel and recompressing days as we prepare to return to reality.  We plan to be back in Folsom September 1st.

    Our final journal entries:

                  Tom's journal: The Road Back to the Lower 48, Days 70 - 80

                  Becky's journal: Heading Home - August 16-August 26 


Truck and Trailer